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ClearFlame is a powerful and inspiring set of tools to take charge of your life and transform your life template.

Since everyone has a unique template and mental emotional framework for their life created by these beliefs and viewpoints, everyone’s experience of the ClearFlame training will be different. Your exploration will be uniquely yours, just as your life is a unique expression of your beliefs.

ClearFlame offers easy, accessible, empowering and fun tools allowing anyone in any life situation the freedom to orchestrate their life the way they want it to be. Using these tools can transform anything in your life. You will learn ways to draw into your life what you desire and ways to dissolve what no longer serves you.

The ClearFlame Training is about creating the life you want and living the light you were born to be by re-evaluating and changing the belief structures that are operating your life. Any place where you feel at the effect of circumstances, ClearFlame gives you ways to step into your own power. It is as if you shift from being a passenger or sitting in the back seat of a car to becoming the driver and deciding where to go next.

Participating in the ClearFlame Training gives you opportunities to discover the foundations that your life is currently built on and gives you the insights and tools for change. In this training we invite you to explore the principles of creation and gain a greater understanding of how the mechanics of life actually work, thus enabling you to move into full power and creativity in your unique universe.

ClearFlame allows you to move into full authority for your life and take responsibility for everything that is already manifested. It gives you ways to completely transform your life.


A wonderful way to explore beliefs and to broaden my conscious awareness of how I choose to create my life. I left with some amazing tools which I use when I am seeking clarity, reflection or to come back to a more loving and open heart space. I highly recommend for both women and men.

Sheila, ClearFlame Participant

From the moment I walked in here, I felt completely safe, supported, nurtured… in every possible way. And I felt safe in the whole group even though I didn’t know many other participants. That to me speaks volumes to the program, and the way that it has been delivered and facilitated, so thank you.

Di, ClearFlame Participant

For me the playfulness in this space is one of the things that I have enjoyed the most and will take home. I am most excited about feeling empowered, because for me I have felt trapped in the same way so long. I had some idea that I could change to be a different person, but I did not know how… now I have the tools to change consciously.

Pauly, ClearFlame Participant

I really love this program and the Shematrix work.  It really touches in me how important it is to have play in learning and the difference that makes. I can feel that I’ve opened up, even just in feeling through my speaking, the nuances of being more open. That play is such a gift.

Steve, ClearFlame Participant

For a long time, I haven’t felt happy. And I’ve actually felt happy this weekend, spontaneously happy. I can’t tell you how good that feels, to relax when you’re doing something really hard. The processes that we did over and over again, I could feel the facilitators guiding us through it all. I can’t appreciate it more than saying it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Thank you.

Fran, ClearFlame Participant

I thank you all, because I find that the growth each time I come is also reflective of the magic of the group of people, there’s no coincidence that we are together doing this work. So, I have deep gratitude for all of you for your part in my journey. See you next year!

Karen, ClearFlame Participant

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